Why Do Wind Turbines Have Three Blades?

When you think about wind turbines, you probably picture the large, three-bladed structures found in many rural areas.

But have you ever stopped to ask why they have three blades?

It’s not because of some arbitrary number. On the contrary, a lot of thought goes into the design of these turbines, and the number of blades is one part of it. Let’s explore turbine blade design and why three blades are the ideal number.

Drag Force

Drag and force power in wind turbines
The effect of lift and drag forces on wind turbine’s blades (Creative Commons CC0)

When wind passes over a turbine blade, it creates a drag force that slows it down. This drag force is proportional to the surface area of the blade.

Having more blades means more surface area for the wind to hit, creating more drag, slowing down the rotating speed, and reducing the turbine’s efficiency.

But doesn’t this mean that having fewer blades is more efficient?

After all, fewer blades mean less drag (resistance), so the blades will spin faster and generate much more electricity, right?

Well, not exactly.

The faster the blades spin, the more they wobble, and the more turbulence they create.

This turbulence can cause more drag on the blade than having more blades, which reduces the turbine’s overall efficiency.

So it’s crucial to find a balance between having enough blades to create good airflow over the turbine and not having so many blades that they produce more turbulence than necessary.

Balance and Stability

Wind turbines and gyroscopic-precession
How gyroscopic precession can affect the stability of wind turbines by ResearchGate

For a wind turbine to spin effectively, the blades must be balanced and stable.

This is not always the case with too few blades.

For example, if the turbine has only two blades, it makes it subject to gyroscopic precession.

This phenomenon is where the turbine rotates around its axis rather than rotating with the wind.

This can cause the turbine to become unstable, which puts a lot of stress on it, causing it to wobble or even tip over!

A turbine with three blades is less likely to experience this problem because the weight of the blades is more evenly distributed along the turbine’s axis, so the angular momentum remains constant at all times.

Noise Reduction

how loud are wind turbines
Illustration of how loud wind turbines are by Let’s Go Solar

One of the main reasons the three blades design is more popular than two blades is because it creates less noise.

As we mentioned earlier, having fewer blades means less drag so that the blades will spin faster. However, the faster the blades spin, the more noise they create.

Don’t get me wrong, there is no such thing as a silent wind turbine – they are all quite loud. However, there is a difference in the sound they create.

Two blades create a more high-pitched sound, while three blades produce a deeper sound that is less irritating to the ears.

Cost vs. Efficiency

wind turbines cost
Experts anticipate significant growth in onshore and offshore turbine size by Berkley Lab

The best wind turbine is the one that generates the most amount of energy for the least amount of money.

And when it comes to cost vs. efficiency, three blades are the way to go.

Why not more?

Because while having more blades can increase the turbine’s efficiency, it also increases the cost.

And the increase in efficiency is not always worth the extra cost.

Believe it or not, a wind turbine with four blades is only 0.5% more efficient than its three-bladed counterpart!

This becomes even more ridiculous when you know that the extra blade costs around $150,000, that’s without considering the installation cost!

In the end, it’s all about finding the right balance between cost, stability, and efficiency, and for most turbines, three blades are the magic number.


  • Nichole Hutt

    Hi, I'm Nichole! ?
    I always felt close to nature during my childhood. Preferring to spend my time alone playing with backyard animals at my family farm. ?
    In 1997, I attained my electrical engineering degree at the Oregon Institute Of Technology, graduating top of my class. Several years later, I qualified for my M.S. in Renewable Energy Engineering, also at OIT. ?

    Combining my love for nature and passion for engineering, I have worked for solar panel manufacturer's in my state, most notably as a PV solar engineer for Zamp Solar.

    I founded RenewableSystems to share my knowledge and expertise in the renewable energy field and help save this beautiful little planet of ours. ☀️?

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